There are many steps you can take to help your trees thrive. We’ll cover a few here, but if you ever need further advice or assistance with your trees, we’re just a phone call away. While tree care will vary depending on species and growing conditions in your area, all trees will benefit from proper routine care and consideration, including the following:
The Emerald Ash Borer is responsible for tremendous tree loss. It’s vital to identify this pest’s presence early to save your tree. Since it takes a while for symptoms to show, it’s a good rule of thumb to keep a close eye on your tree and schedule routine inspections by experts who know what to look for to identify this pest early. If you have an Ash tree, keep a lookout for areas where bark is missing on the trunk, areas of the canopy that seem bare or dying, and cracks or splits in the bark.
Dutch Elm Disease is a fungus that easily spreads from tree to tree and is carried by the elm bark beetle. When detected early, a tree can be saved through careful pruning of infected areas and treatment with fungicides. Signs that your tree may have Dutch Elm Disease include leaves that wilt and then turn yellow and then brown, premature leaf drop, and dead branches. One way to protect your Elm trees is to avoid summer pruning, which is a sure-fire invitation for the elm bark beetle.
The best time to trim all trees, including fruit trees, is during the winter, while they are dormant. However, fruit trees may also benefit from pruning during the warmer months if:
Trees are best pruned in the winter while they are in their dormancy, usually from December through the early part of February. This is especially true for hardwood, deciduous trees like Oaks that we must be especially careful with. If you feel that your big oaks or other hardwood trees require pruning during the summer months, it’s best to seek the expertise of tree care specialists.
An invasive trees species is one that is not naturally found in an area and whose presence can harm either the natural ecosystem, human healthy, or the economy. Invasive species tend to grow and spread very quickly and aggressively, often compromising an area’s native plants by making them compete for resources. You should avoid planting invasive species at all costs and if you have one on your property, it’s best to have it taken down and replaced with a native option.
The following are some of the more common invasive species found in the Unites States:
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270-465-6154 or text
270-572-9390 to speak with one of our experts.
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